Auditing - Ensure All Security Threats In The Threat Protection Status Report Are Reviewed At Least Weekly



All the security threats should be reviewed at least weekly, in the Threat Protection status report which shows specific instances of Microsoft blocking malware attachment from reaching your users, phishing being blocked, impersonation attempts, etc.


This report is not strictly actionable, however, reviewing it will offer you a sense of the overall volume of various security threats targeting your users, which may prompt you to adopt more aggressive threat mitigations.                                                                                                                                               

How to?

To review the report, use the Microsoft 365 Admin center:
  1. Select Security.
  2. Click on Reports and under Email & collaboration select Email & collaboration reports.
  3. Under Threat protection status click on View details
  4. Review the chart and look for Email Malware statistics.


To verify that the report is being reviewed at least weekly, confirm that the necessary procedures are in place and being followed.


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