Application Permissions - Ensure that Sways Cannot Be Shared With People Outside of Your Organization



External sharing of Sway items like reports, newsletters, presentations, etc. should be disabled, in order to contain sensitive information.


External sharing of Sway documents containing sensitive information should be disabled to prevent accidental or arbitrary data leak.

What If?

This setting will stop the external sharing of interactive reports, presentations, newsletters, and other items created in Sway by the users.

How to?

To ensure Sways cannot be viewed outside of your organization, use the Microsoft 365 Admin Center:
  1. Expand Settings then select Org settings.
  2. Under Services, pick Sway.
  3. Now, under Sharing uncheck the following
  • Let people in your organization share their sways with people outside your organization.
      4. Click Save.


To verify Sways cannot be viewed outside of your organization, use the Microsoft 365 Admin Center:
  1. Expand Settings then select Org settings.
  2. Under Services, pick Sway.
  3. Now, confirm that under Sharing the following are not checked
  • Let people in your organization share their sways with people outside your organization.


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