Getting Credential Reports for your AWS Account

Understanding the Report Format

Credential reports are formatted in Comma-Separated Values (CSV) files and they contain following columns:
  1. user- The friendly name of the user.
  2. arn- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user.
  3. user_creation_time- The date and time when a user was created, in ISO 8601 date-time format.
  4. password_enabled- This value is True when a user has a password, otherwise it's False. However, for AWS account root user, the value is not_supported.
  5. password_last_used- Date and time at which the IAM user's as well as the AWS account root user's password was last used, in ISO 8601 date-time format.
  6. password_last_changed- The date and time at which the user's password was last set (in ISO 8601 date-time format).
  7. password_next_rotation- This one also shows the date and time at which the user is required to set a new password (in ISO 8601 date-time format).
  8. mfa_active- If an MFA device is enabled for a user, then, this value is True otherwise it's False.
  9. access_key_1_active- If the access key is active, then, the value is True otherwise it's False. 
  10. access_key_1_last_rotated- It contains the date and time (in ISO 8601 date-time format) at which the access key was last created or changed. It's N/A if there's no access key.
  11. access_key_1_last_used_date- The date and time at which the user's was most recently used to sign an AWS API request.
  12. access_key_1_last_used_region- The AWS Region in which the access key was most recently used.
  13. access_key_1_last_used_service- The most recently accessed AWS service with the access key.
  14. access_key_2_active- If there's a second access key and it's Active this value is True otherwise False.
  15. access_key_2_last_rotated- The date and time at which the second access key was created or last changed.
  16. access_key_2_last_used_date- The date and time at which the second access key was most recently used to sign an AWS API request.
  17. access_key_2_last_used_region- The AWS Region in which the user's second access key was most recently used.
  18. cert_1_active- If the user's X.509 signing certificate's status is Active, then, this value is True otherwise it's False.
  19. cert_1_last_rotated- It's the date and time when the user's signing certificate was created or last changed.
  20. cert_2_active- If the user's second X.509 signing certificate's status is Active, then, this value is True otherwise it's False.
  21. cert_2_last_rotated- It's the date and time when the user's second signing certificate was created or last changed.

Getting Credential Reports (Console)

The AWS Management Console can help in downloading a credential report as a CSV file.

To download a credential report (console)

  1. Firstly, sign-in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at
  2. Now, select Credential Report in the navigation pane.
  3. After that you can go for Download Report.

Getting Credential Reports (AWS CLI)

To download a credentials report (AWS CLI)
  1. First of all, generate a credentials report and as AWS only stores a single report, the new one will overwrite the previous one. aws iam generate_credential_report.
  2. Now, you can view the last generated report: aws iam get_credential_report.

Getting Credential Reports (AWS API)

To download a credentials report (AWS API)
  1. First of all, generate a credentials report and as AWS only stores a single report, the new one will overwrite the previous one. GenerateCredentialReport.
  2. Now, you can view the last generated report: GetCredentialReport.


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