Managing user Passwords in AWS


Changing the AWS Account Root User Password

In order to do so, you must be signed-in as the AWS account root user instead of an IAM user and perform the following steps:
  • You have to use your AWS account email address and password to sign-in to the AWS management console as the AWS account root user.

  • Now you can select your account name or number as well as My Security Credentials from the upper right corner of the console.

  • After that you have to expand the Password section and choose Click here text to change the password.

  • Finally, you can pick a strong password. Here, you can also set an account password policy for IAM users, but, it will not apply to your AWS account root user.

However, your password must fulfill these conditions:

  1. It must contain a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 128 characters.
  2. It must include a mixture at least any of the three - uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and ! @ # $ % ^ & *() <> {} [] | _ + - = symbols.
  3. It should not be same as your AWS account name or email address.

The following methods might help you in protecting your password:

  • As anyone who knows your password might access  your account, it must be kept private and should be changed periodically. 

  • You must use different password on AWS than you use on the other sites.

  • Easy to guess passwords like secret, password, amazon, 123456, or your name, email address, etc. must be avoided.


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