Analyze Query Results Using KQL


Use the Summarize Operator

The count operator can create a new column with the help of its variations and with the calculated result for the specified fields. The By clause, makes the result set in three columns- Process, Computer, Count.
The arg_max() and arg_min() functions can filter out top and bottom rows respectively while the make_functions return a dynamic (JSON) array based on the specific function's purpose.

Use the Render operator to create visualizations

The render operator generates a visualization of the query results. The supported visualizations are:
  • areachart
  • bacchant
  • columnchart
  • piechart
  • scatterchart
  • timechart 

Build Multi-Table Statements Using KQL

Use the Union operator

The union operators take two or more tables and returns the rows of all of them and it is essential to understand how results are passed as well as impacted with the pipe character. 

Use Join operator

The join operator merges the rows of two tables to form a new table by matching the specified columns' values from each table. While joining tables, you can use flavors to determine the joining behavior. The graphic below shows which records will be kept if there is or isn't a matching record in the other dataset. The inner join will only show records from the left side if there is a matching record on the right side which also requires a left side record.

Join Flavor

Output Records

Kind=leftanti, kind=leftantisemi

Returns all the records from the left side that don’t have matches from the right.

Kind=rightant, kind=rightantisemi

Returns all the records from the right side that don’t have matches from the left.

Kind-unspecified, kind=innerunique

Only one row from the left side is matched for each value of the on key. The output contains a row for each match of this row which rows from the right.


Returns all the records from the left side that have matches from the right.


Returns all the records from the right side that have matches from the left.


Contains a row in the output for every combination of matching rows from left and right.

Kind=leftouter (or kind=rightouter or kind=fullouter)

Contains a row for every row on the left and right, even if it has no match. The unmatched output cells contain nulls.



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